Thursday, March 1, 2012

NYC Newsletter #10

Hello again from NYC, where we have been enjoying the pleasant surprises of unseasonably warm weather and the cultural sports phenomenon that is Lin-sanity (Google it if you don't know what I'm talking about)!  We've continued to adjust to our new home, the experience of first trimester pregnancy, and the dynamics of ministry here in a global city.  There is so much that we could say, but in this letter I want to focus on one of the stark realities that God has impressed on us over this past month.

That reality is the tremendous need for the gospel in this great city.  New York City is one of the most un-churched cities in the United States.  About 2.3% of the eight million plus people in this city claim to believe the basics of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  In our borough, the borough of Queens, those numbers are even lower.  One pastor here in western Queens really brought this truth home to me.  He put it this way:

"If every church in Queens added one thousand members overnight, that would still leave over 1.5 million un-churched people in Queens alone...roughly the population of the entire city of Philadelphia." 

To be completely honest, it is sometimes difficult not to feel overwhelmed by the need in a city like this.  The effects of sin and brokenness and societal disintegration confront you at every turn, from the homeless family huddling for warmth in the subway station to the elites bowing down to the idols of money and sex and power.

Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, once said, "In cities you have more of the image of God per square inch than any other place on earth."  That is absolutely true, because in cities you have more people per square inch than any other place on earth.  However, it is also true that in cities you have more human pain and sin and brokenness per square inch than anywhere else on earth, because you have more people in need of redemption.  Those were realities that we had known cognitively, but have just started to feel existentially.

So, how can you pray?  

Pray that God would give us eyes to see the need around us and hearts of compassion to weep over it.  As Jesus was moved to compassion when he saw the crowds, because they were like sheep without a shepherd, pray that we would be able to extend that same compassion to others.  Pray that our compassion would not be mere word or sentiment, but that we would find ways to tangibly serve and love the needy among us.

Pray especially that God would open more doors for the proclamation of the gospel, which announces God's great mercy toward us.  He has already opened some unexpected doors for us to share the gospel with people here in Astoria.  Pray that the gospel bears fruit in the lives of these people and pray for more doors to be opened.  While the task of planting a church in a largely post-Christian context is daunting, we have great confidence, knowing that the gospel is the power of God for salvation (Rom. 1:16).  Pray that the incorruptible, imperishable seed of the gospel would fall on good soil and bear fruit for the glory of God (Mark 4:1-20; 1 Pet. 1:23).

Please Remember to Pray for these Ongoing Requests...

  • Pray that we continue to develop deep, meaningful relationships with our neighbors.  We continue to meet people in our immediate neighborhood and in the broader community, but we are asking God to give us deeper friendships with people.  Pray that God would give us opportunities to display and declare the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Pray also that we would be faithful to live the kind of lives that cause people to ask a reason for the hope that is within us (1 Pet. 3:15).
  • Pray that we would continue to develop relationships...and possibly partnerships...with other churches and church planters in NYC.  One of the things that we love about NYC is the ethos of unity and Kingdom-mindedness that pervades the gospel-preaching churches in this city.  Pray that God would create more and more opportunities for us to work with these other churches for the advancement of the gospel.
  • Pray for "persons of peace."  In Luke 10, Jesus sends his disciples out to proclaim the Kingdom of God.  If a "son of peace" received them, they were to stay and invest in that person, but if not, they were to move on (Lk. 10:6-7).  When Paul proclaimed the gospel in Philippi (Acts 16), we find that the the Holy Spirit led him to both a "daughter of peace" (Lydia) and a "son of peace" (the Philippian jailer).  Both Lydia and the jailer not only became converts, but immediately used their networks of relationships to spread the gospel to others.  Likewise, we are asking the Lord to lead us to men and women of peace, to "open their hearts" to the gospel (Acts 16:14), to use us to invest in them, and to send them out into their spheres of influence for the advancement of the gospel.
  • Pray for a core team.  Most church planters will tell you that a "parachute plant"--going into an area and attempting to plant by yourself is REALLY difficult.  We are beginning to realize why they say that.  The harvest here in Astoria is plentiful, but the laborers are few.  So, please pray that the Lord of the harvest sends laborers into His harvest (Mt. 9:37-38).  Pray specifically for those who believe that God is calling them to join us here, but who are still looking for jobs.  Pray that the Lord would provide the resources for them to relocate to Astoria.  Pray also that the Lord would raise up other believers from churches around the country and from here in NYC to join us to take the gospel to this largely un-churched neighborhood.

Some of you have already given generously, and others have asked about how you can partner with us financially. Currently, our sending church, The Church at Brook Hills, is handling all financial donations.  If God is leading you to give, you can do so by mailing your tax-deductible gift to:

            The Church at Brook Hills
            Attn: Jean Adams
            3145 Brook Highland Parkway
            Birmingham, AL 35242

Please make checks payable to The Church at Brook Hills and designate your gifts by writing“Northeast Church Plant” in the memo line.  If you would like to see our prospective budget, please contact us.

Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail.  We cannot express to you how valuable your prayers are to us.

Blessings in Christ,
josh and traci

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, now and forever. Amen" (Eph. 3:20-21)


  1. Praying everyday for You & Josh. Love you, DAD

  2. Our student ministry here at Ryker's Ridge pray for you and Josh regularly. Blessings, Tyler Smith.
